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Looking For A Great Custom T-Shirt Website?

A few weeks ago, I had been searching for a website to create a custom t-shirt design for The Cinescape. I was in dire need of a shirt, as I was preparing to head to New York to see 'Logan' and interview Hugh Jackman at the press junket. I stumbled upon and found the site very easy to use and greatly priced. I especially loved the easy-to-use image uploader to place my logo on the shirt exactly where I wanted it. I received the shirt a week after placing my order, a few days ahead of schedule, and was ablt to wear it during my interview with Hugh.

The shirts came out great and looked exactly the way that I had wanted them to. I was very happy with the quality of the shirts and will surely be using the site again to order more in the upcoming future. So, if you're in the market for your own custom shirts, I implore you to check out

Check out my interview Hugh Jackman to see me wearing my custom shirt!

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