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'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 2 Review

As we saw last week, the effects of Barry's time traveling have altered events of the lives of the main characters. Joe and Iris are on bad terms, Cisco is mad at Barry, as it's revealed that hs brother, Dante, was killed by a drunk driver (Barry refused to go back and save him), among other things.

In an attempt to correct things, Barry tries to undo everything by time traveling again, but is pulled out of the speed force by Jay Garrick. Jay goes on to tell Barry that no matter what he does, things will never full go back to the way they were. Along the way, The Rival regains his powers in the new timeline, as Dr. Alchemy gives them back. Barry and Cisco (with a new Vibe suit and powers) team up to bring The Rival down, but it's clear that Dr. Alchemy will be a major player this season.

Barry's attempts to mend the team ultimately work, as the healing takes place by the end of the episode. It was good to see them starting to get back into their familiar ways, as it was a bummer seeing Cisco so beaten down and unfunny. I hope the time travel aspect can finally be laid to rest, as I don't want to constantly see our characters being altered, but it does coincide with the comic mythology. The zinger of the epsode came at the end, as Caitlin was shown to indeed have 'Killer Frost powers". I'm sure she'll struggle with this as the season moves forward. I also hope we've seen the last of The Rival, as I don't want to keep seeing speedster villains, and I thought he still looked terrible and was an overall lame villain.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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