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'Fear The Walking Dead' Season 2 Finale Review & Season Review

After learning that the men that Chris and Travis were traveling with are now at the hotel, Madison does her best to get rd of them before Travis finds out, but fails, as he spots them. Travis learns that Chris was badly injured in a car accident and was "put down", prompting Travis to nearly kill the men and severely injures the brother of the groom. The inhabitants of the hotel want Travis kicked out, as Madison made the rule of no violence.

Back at the colony where Nick is residing, the gang is set to invade, as Nick tries to get Luciana and the others to leave. Alejandro refuses, inciting them to stay and fight, when he is bitten in the infirmary, dispelling the rumor that he is immune. As the gang enters the colony, they arrive to find it empty, save for the undead.

Madison and her family later find the colony, only to find nothing but infected (deceased gang members included). She is searching for Nick, and Travis is still holding out hope for finding Chris. The end of the episode shows Nick and the colony members crossing the border to America, only to be fired upon by a group of unknown people. Luciana is shot, as she and Nick are now held at gunpoint.

I liked the show of Travis's emotions after learning about Chris's death. He was so adamant about non-violence but snaps, as he pummels the two men. I also like how Nick has really taken on a leadership role, though he and his group are now in a lot of trouble. However, I was disappointed in the episode, as I expected a lot more action than we actually got.

The lack of action in this series is one of the major issues I have with it. I feel like it parallels 'The Walking Dead' in the slow story-building, but doesn't ramp up the action sequences in the same way. I find a lot of the episodes boring for the most part, they seem to be all build-up and little payoff. The series just doesn't appear to have a clear direction. We don't know where the characters are trying to go or what they're trying to accomplishish other than just surviving. Sure, the ultimate goal is survival, but unlike 'The Walking Dead', the characters don't have any idea what they're doing. Fortifying the hotel and creating a new civilization could have been a big step, but it was ruined after Travis's incident. At least with TWD, they initially wanted to get to DC when Eugene lied to them about a cure. It gave them a purpose and sense of direction before trying to establish communities and safe zones.

There were a few good episodes during season 2 that fleshed out our characters more, but Im growing weary of just building and nothing else. Ca we at least get a big battle sequence at some point?

My season 2 rating: 6 out of 10

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