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'Arrow' Season 5 Episode 1 Review

Team Arrow has essentially been disbanded following Laurel's death in season 4, as Oliver is now the mayor of Star City and is fighting crime on his own, with help from Felicity. During a fight, another vigilante tries joining, only to get an arrow in his leg, courtesy of Oliver, as he doesn't want his help. Thea has given up the mantle of Speedy, focusing her efforts on Oliver's political career.

We're shown flashbacks fom Oliver's time in Russia and his involvement with the Bratva, and we hear mention of a man named Kovar. We're also introduced to a new villain named Tobias Church, whom Oliver encounters during a fight scene. Church is able to escape the fight and will be sure to pop up again upcoming.

Also featured is Quentin, who has reverted back to alcoholism after Laurel's death, the loss of his job, and the end of his relationship with Felicity's mother. Lance eventually comes around and enlists the help of trusted officers to help Oliver, as police corruption is now a major factor in Star City. As Oliver doesn't want the help of any new vigilantes or others, Felicity begins to make him realize his old team isn't coming back and that he needs to begin training new members. Felicity and Curtis suggest recruiting the man Oliver shot earlier, naming him Wild Dog, and we see a board with other potential candidates as well. The end of the episode shows an officer being killed by a man looking like Green Arrow, but he reveals he's not.

I was a fan of Olivers choice of killing enemies, as he regrets not killing Damien Darhk last season which would have saved Laurel's life. Thea is against it and will most likely change Oliver's mind, but for now I'll take all the bloodshed I can get. The fight scenes were really good and the special effects and cinematography were noticably upgraded, fitting the darker tone of the episode. I'm hopeful the new team Oliver assembles will be a good fit, but Wild Dog's costume did look very cheesy to start. And God help me, if Laurel is somehow resurrected I'll quit the show. If you've read any of my past reviews, you'll know how much I despise her.

Overall, not a bad episode and I'm excited to see where the season takes us.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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