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'Fear The Walking Dead' Season 2 Episode 12 Review

This episode started off with a family sneaking out of the colony in which Chris is living. As the family leaves the walls, they are captured by the gang leader we saw a few episodes ago. We also get to catch up with Ofelia, as we learn more about her backstory. We see flashbacks of her mother and her fiance. Nick and Luciana have tense moments with Alejandro, who is feeling like he is beginning to lose the faith of the colony. The two are eager to meet with the gang in order to stave off a possible attack for the missed meeting for more Oxy.

Back at the hotel, the group is doing well, now that the premises have been cleared and fortified. They are seen catching fish for food and even get the generator running, enabling electricity usage. The mother of the deceased bride stabs Victor out of grief for her daughter, wounding him and prompting Madison anda few others to seek out medicine and supplies. The hotel hostess takes them to the same gang, as her and her nephew are related to a member. Madison overhears the interrogation of the man captured in the beginning of the episode, believing that they are talking about Nick.

Madison barges in on the interrogation, ticking off the gang leader. They are able to make an exchange of goods, and Victor is eventually sewn up and saved. Madison, filled with hope in finding Nick, draws thr ire of Alicia, as she tells Madison that Nick chose to leave. Madison lit up the hotel signs at night, possibly enticing outsiders to come to them in the hopes that it's Nick. The end of the episode shows a grizzled Travis looking at the hotel from a distance.

As there are only two episodes remaining this season, episode 12 really served to set the stage for the reunification of the characters and the impending conflict with the gang, as they will most likely storm the hotel. I liked that we got to see Ofelia and her backstory, as she seemed to have disappeared a few episodes ago. This was one of the better episodes this season and excites me for the final 2.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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