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'Fear The Walking Dead' Season 2 Episode 11 Review

This episode saw Nick trying to redeem his actions with the gang from last week, as he creates a way to make fake painkillers to give them with the help of Alejandro. Nick also bonds with him as well as Luciana.

We also saw how Strand and Madison escaped their walker situation and find Alicia. The group is able to make a deal with the other survivors in the hotel. They make a plan to lure all of the walkers out of the hotel and onto the peir in order to make them fall into the ocean to be swept out to sea via strong rip tides. The plan seemingly works, as Madison serves as bait, jumping off the peir and drug onto a life boat. The infected one-by-one march off of the peir into the sea.

I really enjoyed Nick's character development, as we see him become romantically involved with Luciana. He is also taking on a leadership-like role as he could look to assert himself as the leader of the colony, but that's just my theory.

The other story arc posits the notion of establishing a "home" within the hotel with talks of fortifying it for protection against other groups, paralleling 'The Walking Dead' in that manner. It's very clear that another group will come to the hotel in order to take control. I feel like this would be the best possible move the series could make, as there just hasn't been a ton of action and dramatic moments thus far. Upping the stakes with a premise such as this could really get viewers more invested in the show and its characters.

Not a bad episode overall, I like where the story could be going in the next few weeks.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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