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'Fear The Walking Dead' Season 2 Episode 10 Review

This episode highlighted Travis and Chris as they are trying to make it on their own. The two also encounter a small group of American survivors, but Travis is wary of them. Chris seems sold on them and wants to join up.

Alicia is trying to find Madison and the others in the hotel, but is trapped in a room and separated from Ofelia. She encounters a hotel worker, who has the room keys and has been luring the infected into rooms to clear different areas of the hotel. Her backstory is shown during a scene involving a wedding. When the father of the bride dies of a heart attack, he quickly turns and begins killing and infecting the entire wedding party. The woman locks them all inside to contain it.

Alicia's plot in this episode was kind of boring, as it was a self-contained plot that didn't really further the overall story, besides her eventual reunion with her mother. It was, however, interesting to see Chris's further downward spiral, as he kills a man in his own barn. The look on Travis's face afterwards made me think that he realized that Chris may be too far gone to save.

This episode was overall a slow one, like most of the series to date. I really hope the stakes begin to grow larger and the directionality becomes more clear. The characters have no real idea of what they're doing or where they're going. I feel like the series just doesnt really know what it wants to be. We've seen the aimless wandering and survival on 'The Walking Dead' already.

My rating: 6 out of 10

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