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'Preacher' Season 1 Review

To be honest, I've been putting off writing this review. The season ended a few weeks ago, and I just wasn't ready to write about it until I got the chance to think about it more. Though I won't get too into specifics in this review, I will highlight my likes and dislikes and give my final thoughts on the season.

This show was very up and down for me. I found my self falling in a pattern of liking an episode and then not liking the following one. The episodes were very hit or miss, but when they hit, I really enjoyed them. I really enjoyed Dominic Cooper's "Jesse Custer" and the character of "Cassidy". The action scenes were over the top and a lot of fun.After understanding the plot of the season, I began enjoying it more, though some episodes strayed a bit and lost my interest.

I really appreciate what the directors were trying to do. This show is unlike any other show on TV, in the sense that they take a lot of chances and do things in a non-conventional way, regardless of if it works or not.

As stated above, I lost interest in many episodes during the season, as plot points were unclear, episodes were slow, and tones were all over the place. Often, side characters' plots in episodes would take away from the main storyline and I found myself not caring about them, such as my dislike of Ruth Negga's "Tulip" character at times. I also disliked the "Cowboy" plot, as it felt completely out of place and didn't work for me. I feel like there were too many things going on that it felt scattered,

I'm hopeful that season 2 will be more focused now that the main characters are more fleshed out and they are seen hitting the road after the town was decimated in the finale. I think this show has a lot of potential, and with some tweeking, can be really good.

My rating: 6 out of 10

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