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'Mr. Robot' Season 1 Review

I was a little late to the game, concerning 'Mr. Robot'. I hadn't really heard much about it up until recently, and after hearing good things, I decided to check it out. After starting season one last week, I am now caught up on the entire series. This show is great!

The premise of the show is one that really hits home, seeing that something like this could actually happen in our world. The whole season was really grounded in reality and I enjoyed the "tech" angle, as I have an IT background.

This show felt like "Dexter" in the way Elliott was going after criminals and bad people by hacking them. It's very psychological and interesting, all while being mysterious and throwing twists left and right. I really like the characters and their story arcs. They are engaging and interesting. The show is very different from most shows on basic cable.

Christian Slater is really good on the show, playing a semi-scummy, yet likable character with a big twist (that I actually called in the first episode). The rest of the cast are generally unknowns for me, but they all do a fantastic job in their roles.

One thing that I really like was the way they edit (or don't edit) foul language. This show gets away with a LOT of bad language, though they can't just drop f-bombs left and right. The thing I really liked was the fact that they were allowed to say the f-word, but the editors just cut the volume quickly when they say it. There are plenty of shows where characters would realistically be swearing like sailors but can't due to being on cable TV. This practice could be something a show like 'The Walking Dead' could apply and have work perfectly. It's just not realistic to not have characters in shows like this not swearing, when in fact in the real world they would be. It makes the characters seem real, while still being able to be shown on cable.

This is definitely a show where you need to be paying close attention or you'll be lost. There were a few times where I did find myself lost or confused, but I was never taken out of an episode, as they are all very engaging. As I stated above, I am already caught up through the series, which is in the middle of season 2. I absolutely am loving this show and would highly recommend it.

My rating: 9 out of 10

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