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'Preacher' Season 1 Episode 6 Review

Episode 6 of 'Preacher' uncovered more information about many of our characters.

It was revealed that Jesse and Tulip were actually childhood friends before she was taken away by the Department of Human Services. We got more on Jesse's father, and we even got to see the downfall of his and Jesse's relationship before he was murdered in front of Jesse as a child. And we FINALLY found out more about Eugene! Jesse tells Cassidy that Eugene was rejected by the girl Eugene visited in the hospital earlier this season. In turn, Eugene blew half of her head off and tried to kill himself after.

Jesse is further traveling down the dark path he's currently on, as Genesis is totally changing his personality. It seems the power he wields is taking over his psyche, causing his constant "daze phases" and dark temperament.

Combined with Genesis affecting Jesse, you can see that he is still internalizing the fact that he sent Eugene to hell, even having a blowout with Cassidy about it. To drive Cassidy's concern deeper, he willingly walks into the sunlight to show Jesse he truly is a vampire, as he bursts into flame. Cassidy's fate is currently unknown, as we don't know if Jesse saved him.

The final thorn in Jesse's side is the impending war he is about to start with Quincannon. Seemingly, Jesse had won the "bet" between the two parties a few episodes ago, stating that if Jesse turned Quincannon into a Christian by the end of his sermon, Jesse would be free to keep his father's church and surrounding land. Quincannon promptly killed a bunch of people after seemingly being "converted" by Jesse's powers after that sermon. Is Quincannon such a truly evil person that he cannt be swayed by Jesse and Genesis? Or is there some other explanation of why he has rejected Jesse's sway?

This episode may not have had action, but I really enjoyed the story. I felt like I got to connect more with each character in this episode alone than in all the others combined. I am so excited to see how Jesse will bring Eugene back from Hell (potentially), the upcoming war with Quincannon, and the angels' plot with Genesis.

Really good episode.

My rating: 9 out of 10

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