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'Bloodline' Season 2 Review

After a few episodes into season one of Netflix's 'Bloodline', my fiance and I were immediately hooked. The show's intriguing plot and wonderful character development made for a great first season. Season two dropped 2 weeks ago, and I just finished it.

Season 2 continues the madness of the first season with the fallout of Danny's murder. John, Meg and Kevin are dealing without the repercussions of their actions, and each character is "dealing" very differently. Kevin's financial issues, paired with his alcoholism and now cocaine problem has him increasingly paranoid. Meg's new life in New York is interrupted as she is dragged back to Florida. John, now in the running to become county sheriff, has even more pressure on him to cover everything up, as evidence begins mounting against him and his siblings.

It's amazing to see how even in death, Danny is still tormenting the Rayburn clan. His confession tape really threw a curve ball at John, Meg and Kevin.

We are also introduced to Danny's son, Nolan, whom most of the family had no idea about. He is the spitting image of Danny and has his attitude and mannerisms. He and his mother further add to the drama, while giving more backstory into Danny's life before the events of season one.

Seeing the change in John's character because of everything has been "fun" to watch. Someone who seemed to have it all together can get caught up in something that totally changes their morality. There were so many instances where I thought he might start killing off people to cover his own butt.

As Marco is really pushing the envelope, the Rayburns' allegiance to each other waivers, as it seems they will all soon be caught for the murder.

The writers for this show deserve a big pay day, as the plots and intense scenes are so great to watch. The show is completely engaging and really gets you thinking and speculating what each character will do next to cover up what they've done. There is so much going on in this season that I couldn't possibly cover everything without typing a book. I am already wanting season 3!

My rating: 10 out of 10

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