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'Preacher' S01E03 Review

Finally, an episode that I could actually follow! Episode 3 has been the first episode that I actually had an idea of what was going on. I did read the first issue of the comic before watching this episode (which helped a lot), but I don't think it was necessary.

In this episode, we got a bit more of Tulip and Jesse's relationship and why Tulip is trying to get him to work with her again. It seems the two were left hanging by a man named Carlos in the past and Tulip desperately wants revenge.

Jesse is also learning about his new "powers", where he uses them on Cassidy to show just what he can do. Jesse's manipulative powers also come into play later on when he nearly has Donnie kill himself as he was accosted by him in a gas station bathroom.

The two men searching for Jesse are back, after their "deaths" last week, It's revealed by one of the men that they are from Heaven and are trying to capture the spirit that possessed Jesse in the first episode. Cassidy, in a humorous scene, runs the two men down in front of the church and marvels at the fact that he thought he killed them already. The men tell Cassidy who they are and their mission.

This has been my favorite episode so far. Despite the lack of action in this episode, I really, for the first time, have a better idea on what the show's direction is. Reading the comic issue really did help me better understand what's going on, but the episode itself did the job as well, which is why I enjoyed it the most so far. The first two episodes had really cool action scenes but I just wasn't following the story. Now that we seem to have introduced all of the main characters, the episodes are more free to develop them and their plots and focus more on the actual story.

I have really high hopes for the rest of the season. This was a show that I had heard great things about before its release and I got very excited for it. If you've read my first two episode reviews, you'll know my feelings on it until now.

*Note: I really am enjoying Cassidy. His character is really different from any character that I can think of on a TV show. He's that scumbag friend you just can't help keeping around that has redeeming qualities.

My Rating: 9 out of 10

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