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'The Flash' Season 2 Finale Review + Season Review

With so much to talk about regarding that finale, let's zoom into it.

The episode picks up with Henry being killed by Zoom in front of Barry, who helplessly watches his father die. Barry then attacks Zoom and could very well have killed him, but doesn't, as Zoom is goading Barry into doing it. During the chase, Zoom creates another time remnant, which is a plot point that will come into play later.

After the funeral, Zoom again shows up outside of Barry's house, challenging him to a race to see who is fastest.

Back at Star Labs, the team discusses the theft of the Magnetar, a machine from Dr. McGee's lab that has the power to potentially destroy the entire multiverse, given the right power source. They figure out Zoom was behind it as well as his plan to destroy the multiverse.

Joe and Wells, understanding how broken Barry currently is, try to talk him out of the race, fearing that Barry will fail due to his emotions. Barry argues the point but is sedated and locked in a cell in tar Labs to save him from doing something rash. The rest of the team is also in on the decision, except for Wally, who is unaware of it.

Wells and the team concoct a plan to send Zoom back through a breech and succeed in doing so, but Joe is also sucked in. The plan was to keep the breech closed for good no matter what, but Wally overhears what happened and wants to get Joe back.

On Earth-2, Zoom reveals his plans to Joe. Wally frees Barry and they decide to get Joe back. Cisco helps Barry to communicate with Zoom by vibing, and a deal is made to free Joe if the race is back on.

Zoom reveals that Earth-1 is the access point to all travel in the multiverse, as he plans on destroying everything except for that Earth, which he will rule.

As the race is going on, Barry creates his own time remnant that continues to race Zoom, while "our" Barry saves Joe. Barry #2 is able to counter the machine but is killed in the process, sacrificing himself.

As Barry and Zoom are fighting, a time wraith comes and takes Zoom away, seemingly mutating him in the process (Black Flash, possibly?).

Back in the lab, the man in the mask is freed from it and is revealed as the real Jay Garrick and is actually Henry's doppelganger, causing an emotional reaction from Barry.

Jay, Wells and Jessie return to Earth-2 to help Jay get to Earth-3 where he is actually from (crazy, I know).

Iris tells Barry she loves him and wants to be with him, but Barry isn't in a good mental state for it, so Iris tells him she'll wait for him. As she goes in the house, Barry speeds off and goes back in time and saves his mother from being killed by Reverse Flash, as Barry is so distraught at losing both of his parents.

It's unclear if Barry's actions will undo everything that has happened on the show altogether, or whether it will create a new timeline. Will Zoom return? The cliffhanger will leave us fans in suspense until season 3 starts.

My finale rating: 9 out of 10

'The Flash' is one of my favorite super hero shows on TV currently. I love the character interactions, the awesome sci-fi plots, and the action is great. Though a few episodes here and there aren't so great, the show does such a good job of making the characters believable, despite their super powers.

Zoom in season 2 was a very formidable villain. He was menacing and brutal, killing Barry's father and nearly succeeding in destroying most of existence. Though Henry's death was sad, I'm glad the writers killed him, or at least someone, to show that the heroes aren't invincible and can't always save the day.

My one gripe of the season is my diminishing like of Caitlin. I really enjoyed her in season 1, but as season 2 went on, I felt more and more that the actress playing her (Danielle Panabaker), isn't very good. She was whiny and annoyed me a lot. Her conversation with Zoom in the finale was painful to watch, as it felt really forced and fake and was poorly acted. Overall, I still really love the show and can't wait for season 3 to start.

My season 2 rating: 8 out of 10

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