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'Preacher' S01E01 Review

To start, 'Preacher' is a comic title that I had no prior knowledge of until the announcement of the show. Seeing the trailers and promotional ads for the show got me interested in checking it out.

Episode 1 starts off with a meteor crashing to earth and a "spirit" possessing a priest in Africa, eventually causing him to explode onto the parishioners. We get to meet the "preacher" in Jessie Custer (Dominic Cooper), who has recently returned to his hometown to take over as the preacher at a church. He seems like he doesn't quite know what he's doing and doesn't seem to be a very "holy" person. References to his past are brought up throughout the episode, as he used to be a brutal guy.

I won't go into detail about the events of the episode, mostly because this is a brand new show for me and I'll need a couple more episodes to get acclimated with this new world. The episode jumped around a lot, introducing new characters and setting up plot lines for the season and I wasn't familiar with what was going on.

The fight scenes were really awesome and brutal, as there were 3 really good ones (airplane, car, bar). The supernatural element will surely be ratcheted up in the coming episodes as we'll find out who or what the "villain" of the season will be.

I am very intrigued to find out who Jesse was in his past before the events of the show's beginning, and what brought him back to Anvil, Texas. As I become more familiar with the show, I'll be able to get more in-depth with the characters and plot points of each episode.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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