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'Thor: Ragnarok' to Be A "Buddy Road Movie"?

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Mark Ruffalo commented on the premise of the upcoming 'Thor: Ragnarok' film, saying:

"It's an intergalactic buddy road movie with Banner and Thor,"

"I think it will be smashing. You'll see a lot more Hulk and I think it'll--" he began, before co-star Woody Harrelson (Now You See Me 2) cut in to ask if Hulk will be even "Hulk-ier" this time around. "The Hulk gets Hulk-ier. The Hulk Hulks out. Hulk-ier and bigger."

Are you intrigued to see Thor and Hulk team up and re-kindle their magic from the first 'Avengers' film? Or does the sound of more comedy in a "darker" film with the 'Ragnarok' story line turn you off?

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