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'Legends of Tomorrow' Season 1 Finale + Season Review

At the beginning of the episode, Rip takes the team back to 2016 because he no longer believes they won't be able to stop Savage. He tricks the team by using a hologram of himself to communicate, as he is secretly still aboard the Wave Rider and takes off.

Each team member goes back to their lives and families and Sara finds out about Laurel's death from her father. Ray and Stein figure out a way to send a message to the Wave Rider, and Rip returns to pick them up with a change of heart.

Kendra is seen in France, 1944, where she puts a message in a soldier's helmet before being re-captured by Savage. The helmet then appears on the Wave Rider and is found by the team, prompting them to travel there to find her.

Savage reveals his plan to destroy the timeline altogether by using the Thanagarian meteorites and Kendra/Carter's blood in a ritual in three separate timelines to send him back to 1700 BC Egypt, where he will take over as pharaoh and rule.

The team arrives and battles Savage along with Nazi soldiers where Carter is freed, but they have to fall back and leave Kendra behind. Savage is able to steal the meteorite from Nazi control and sets off to take the other 2 remaining ones in different times, eventually succeeding. The 3 different versions of Savage in different timelines start to perform the ritual, as the team splits into 3 different smaller teams to stop Savage, who is now mortal due to performing the ritual.

Savage is killed in all three time periods and the team is able to destroy two out of the three meteors, but one is beyond the point of destroying and is primed to explode, destroying the planet.

Rip takes the meteor aboard the Wave Rider and sets off to drive it into the sun. He sees a vision of his family briefly, but comes to and is able to eject the meteor into the sun and time jump back to the team.

With the threat of global catastrophe eliminated, the team again returns to 2016 and to their lives, where their family members tell them how important what they're doing is. They all decide to re-join Rip for another adventure. (Mick travels back to 2013 and has a conversation with Snart, telling him he's a hero, which was touching)

As the team is about to board the Wave Rider, a second Wave Rider crashes down. A man steps out, warning them not to leave, because Mick had previously told him what was to happen, as he reveals himself to be Rex Tyler of the Justice Society of America.

* As I am not familiar with the character, I did a quick google search on him. Per the article I found:

"A chemist who discovered the miraculous chemical Miraclo, Rex Tyler became the super-hero Hourman, able to use extraordinary abilities for an hour at a time. He became a valued member of the Justice Society and the All-Star Squadron."

I'm not sure what this means for season 2, but I am very intrigued by the prospect of a TV-version of the JSA/JLA.

Season 1 Finale Rating: 8 out of 10

Season Review

As far as the season goes, it definitely got better during the final quarter. The first quarter was also good, but the middle portion seemed more like filler episodes and didn't hold my interest as much. The concept of time travel is always very tough to explain and follow, but the show did a pretty good job of it. The only thing that bugs me is that the other CW/DC shows don't seem to align to what LoT is doing in terms of time travel and timeline alteration. Hopefully this can be rectified as each show starts their new seasons next fall.

It was neat seeing villains like Heatwave and Captain Cold turn the corner and become "heroes". I liked many of the character interactions but at times their missions just fell flat. Kendra kind of got annoying to me a lot as well.

Heading to next season, I'd like to see a more cohesive plot. Though the plot of season one was clearly defined, it veered away too much for too many episodes. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind seeing multiple plots that can be wrapped up earlier or work in conjunction with each other so as to not have so many throwaway episodes.

Season 1 Rating: 7 out of 10

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