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'The Flash' S02E22 Review

SPOILER WARNING for this review, as a character was killed


Still reading? Ok. Last night's episode saw Barry back with his powers, fighting against the onslaught of Zoom's meta human army. Though Barry is able to start rounding up many of them, the sheer number of metas is too great for him to overcome all at once while still having to face Zoom.

The Star Labs team is trying to figure out a way to defeat them all at once, while Caitlyn is dealing with her PTSD-like feelings after being let go by Zoom.

Wally attempts to stop a mugging when the man reveals himself as a meta human, and Joe comes to his rescue. Joe is very concerned about Wally's new found feat of attempted heroism, asking Barry/Flash to have a talk with him. The conversation falls on deaf ears, as Wally is out to do good and show he was worth saving.

After his return from the Speed Force, Barry is exceedingly positive he can defeat Zoom, but the rest of the team is constantly questioning him and trying to bring him back down to earth a bit, citing the extreme danger they all face.

Cisco vibes scenes of birds dying and Earth-2 trouble, as the Black Siren/Earth-2 Laurel appears and begins destroying buildings with her voice (very fitting for me, as I can't stand hearing her talk). During a fight between her and Barry, she gains the upper hand before Wally side-swipes her with a car.

The Star Labs team figures out a way to defeat the metas by creating a device to interrupt the different frequency the Earth-2 people on Earth-1 paired with Barry's speed.

Barry and Zoom meet and Zoom goes on about his similarities with Barry, foreshadowing events to come later. Barry stands helplessly by as Black Siren destroys more buildings.

Cisco and Caitlyn masquerade as their doppelgangers Reverb and Killer Frost and meet up with Black Siren, telling her they weren't actually dead and had a plan to overthrow Zoom for control. The plan fails as Black Siren discovers the lie, but the overall plan to distract her until Barry could speed around the city worked.

The plan succeeds and also effects Jessie, whose special headphones created by Wells fail, and Wells gives her his working pair, hurting him in the process.

Zoom manages to escape back to Earth-2 before being too hurt. But then returns and kidnaps Barry's father, Henry.

Barry chases him down but doesn't act in time to save Henry from being killed by Zoom as the episode ends.

This episode got intense at the end. It was awful for Barry to have to watch his father die, but his guilt of not stopping Zoom will have great consequences with his psyche after being so positive after his Speed Force trip.

Though the rest of the team constantly bringing Barry down a lot during the episode, which I felt to be off-base at the time, came back to haunt Barry.

The season finale is next week, and I'm not sure if Barry will be mentally capable now in defeating Zoom.

My rating: 10 out of 10

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