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'Bates Motel' S04E10 & Season Review

The beginning of the episode confirmed that Norma is indeed dead, though Norman didn't act like it. You could tell that he was in denial about what he had done and what had happened.

Romero was out for blood when he came to pick Norman up from the hospital, throwing him against a wall in front of other people in the hospital.

Romero also got picked up by the DEA for his involvement with Bob Paris, putting a hold on his revenge against Norman. I, personally, can't see why he fell so hard for Norma. She mostly treated him terribly and was a nutcase.

Norman finally felt the weight of it all at the end of the episode, going so far as to dig up her corpse to bring it home. As Chick arrived and talked to Norman about her death, you could sense the change in Norman as he finally came to terms with her death. Moving forward, Norman will surely never be the same.

My episode rating: 7 out of 10

This season was very up and down for me. Norman spent many episodes in the institution but in reality was only there for 2 weeks. I'm not sure what kind of doctors would allow a seriously ill mental patient to leave after weeks of treatment, but that's what we got. Norma and Norman's incessant bickering and arguing grew very tiresome. Norma, to me, became and incredibly unlikable character and Norman was really getting there too. He was whiny and annoying for most of the season. With Norma out of the way and Norman seemingly past the point of helping, I hope season 5 will finally give us the 'psycho' that we've wanted to see.

I also thought that Dylan's storylines were a bit wasted this season. There was so much buildup last season with his relationship with Caleb, dealing with Chick, the drug dealers, and his family, he simply up and left without us feeling anything about it. He also somehow didn't know Norma was dead at the end of the finale which was a bit unbelievable for me.

This season surely wasn't the strongest one they've done. I have higher hopes for season 5.

My season 4 rating: 6 out of 10

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