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'Legends of Tomorrow' S01E15 Review

Our Legends team, imprisoned at the Vanishing Point by the Time Masters, are freed from containment by Sara and Snart, who remained free by hiding with the Wave Rider. They manage to time jump and come up with a plan of attack to defeat Savage and Druce, who has been helping Savage for reasons unknown to Rip and the team.

Before they are freed, Druce tells Rip about the Oculus, a device the Time Masters use to actually see through time and to manipulate it as they see fit. Druce reveals to Rip that in the future, after Savage has taken over, Earth is destroyed by extraterrestrials from Thanagar, and that Savage is the only one able to stop it from happening. Rip also sees Ray's death at this time.

Mick is tortured into becoming Kronos again, but is able to resist, citing his conentration on the team and revealing he actually cares about them.

Jefferson, now back in 2016, finds Stein and reveals what is happening, gaining his help to make it back to the team in the future.

Savage is able to kill Rip's family again like the timeline has shown, as Kendra, imprisoned by Savage, bears witness.

As the team returns back to the Vanishing Point. they mount an attack to destroy the Oculus. They succeed in killing Druce and his forces. Ray, trying to destroy the Oculus, has to do so by holding the trigger that will blow it up. Mick takes over for him and decides to stay. Before heading back to the ship, Snart devcides he will be the one to destroy the Oculus and wants to save Mick, so he knocks him out and stays, being blown up in the process.

This episode was really enjoyable for me. I really liked the chemistry between Sara and Snart. Though Sara's character in the show is a lesbian, you could actually feel her having feeling for Snart, and she eventually kisses him before he sacrifices himself.

Only one episode remains this season. Will we get to see more Thanagarians other than Kendra and Carter? Stay tuned for my review after the episode airs.

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