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'Fear the Walking Dead' S02E06 Review

Last night on 'The Walking Dead', the crew of the Abigail finally makes it to Mexico. After the deal to pay off Luis's contact to smuggle the passengers goes awry, Luis is killed. As they travel to Thomas Abigail's estate, they encounter a group of infected, many of which are children. As they are fighting them off, Madison is taken down and Chris stands by and does nothing. Madison is eventually saved, as Alicia saw Chris just standing there.

The group makes it to Abigail's estate, where Strand goes to the room of a dying Thomas. His arm is wrapped and bloody bite marks can be seen underneath the wrapping.

Travis and Madison have a conversation about Chris, as he threatened Alicia to not tell anyone about the incident regarding Madison.

Daniel, ever suspicious of those around him, begins poking around the estate, eventually finding a young boy talking to his mother. His mother has turned and is being kept in a cell along with a host of other infected. Thomas's mother reveals they are the relatives of the workers and are being kept there purposely.

Madison also had some icy scenes with Abigail's mother, as she warns him to stay away from Nick.

Thomas's mother, Celia, is revealed to be responsible for the deaths of the group of infected church-goers our group first encountered. The priest of the church had poisoned them with communion bread, killing them all. Celia was then shown giving the same communion to Strand and Thomas, as Strand told him and Celia he would kill himself along with Thomas.

At the end of the episode, a gun shot is heard, as Strand sits next to Thomas's deceased body.

Only one more episode remains before the mid-season break. Will the group have more problems with Celia, as she is now in charge of the estate? Will Chris's decline into becoming a complete sociopath continue?

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