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'Booster Gold' Movie Confirmed?

According to multiple sources, including Devin Faraci at Birth.Movies.Death, Cleats and Capes, and Collider, a 'Booster Gold' film is reported to be written by Zack Stentz (Thor, X-Men: First Class). It is also being reported that Greg Berlanti, who runs the DC TV universe, is set to produce the film as well. Berlanti also confirmed that the movie is in the works in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Per Faraci's article:

"Booster Gold is a great character. He's an ex-athelete turned security guard in the future who steals a time machine (and a couple of superheroic objects, like a Legion of Superheroes flight ring) and comes back to the modern day intending to use his future knowledge and tech to become rich and famous. Callow, selfish and more than a little dopey, Booster's journey is from buffoon to true hero. In the classic 80s run of Justice League International he became best friends with Blue Beetle, and the two hatched harebrained schemes and plans and shared many a hearty "Bwa-ha-ha!" over the years.

Booster is very, very different from what we've seen in the DC Movieverse so far, and the fact that this movie is even in development gives me hope and backs up the whispers I have heard that Warner Bros - and especially Ben Affleck - are very hip to what went wrong with BvS, and that the opportunity exists to fix the larger universe."

You can also check out the interview Kevin Smith had with Zack Stentz on the topic by clicking the video below.

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