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RUMOR: Tom Hardy to Cameo in 'Star Wars Episode 8'

Let me first say that I AM NOT IN THE HABIT OF POSTING RUMORS. I always check multiple trusted sources before posting articles to my site. There is nothing worse that "click bait" and I have more integrity than that.

That being said, a number of said resources such as Star Wars News Net, Making Star Wars, and Comic Book Resources have all been going with the rumor that Tom Hardy will have a cameo in next year's 'Star Wars Episode 8' that appears to have validity. Here is a description of Hardy's supposed role, similar to what Daniel Craig did in 'The Force Awakens':

  • Tom Hardy plays a First Order Stormtrooper.

  • Said Stormtrooper glimpses FN-2187 on a secret mission but doesn’t realize it.

  • The “incognito” FN-2187 is surprised when the Stormtrooper walks up behind him and slaps him on the ass.

  • FN-2187 turns around and believes he’s dead. He’s surely going to be captured.

  • The Stormtrooper is elated to see his old friend from back during their First Order academy days.

  • The Stormtrooper congratulates FN-2187 on his promotion to Resistance infiltrator and spy.

  • FN-2187 is free to go about his business to his amazement

Of course this rumor could turn out to be completely false, but if it's true it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Would you be for a cameo by Tom Hardy in Episode 8?

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