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'Bates Motel' S04E09 Review

What a creepy ending to that episode last night, eh? We'll get to that in just a bit, but let's start at the beginning.

The show opens up with Norma and Alex arguing about Norman. Alex feels like Norman is still unwell and fears for Norma's safety. Norma dismisses Alex's feelings, saying that Norman would never harm her.

During a therapy session, Norman and his doctor discuss Norma's and Alex's relationship. Normal, visibly upset at the matter, goes on and on about how their relationship is doomed to fail because he knows his mother better than anyone. He also gives ominous thoughts that seem to paint the picture of Alex's demise.

As Dylan and Emma are packing for their move to Seattle, Emma gives Dylan an earring she found in a jacket belonging to Norma. Dylan recognizes the earring but keeps quiet about it to Emma.

We also get to see Rebecca, now in the custody of the DEA. They are attempting to cut a deal with her for her knowledge on the murder of Bob Paris. Trying to stay out of prison, she tells them about Alex's involvement and agrees to wear a wire to corroborate her story.

At a diner, Alex and Dylan discuss Norman. Dylan tells him that he's seen Norman's violent side during his blackouts, and Alex recommends they commit him, as 2 family members' signatures are needed for the process.

In the next scene, Dylan questions Norma on the earring, as he suspects Norman of having something to do with it. The earring belonged to Emma's mother, Audra. During the conversation, Norma gets very defensive and hostile. Dylan tells her she's never been a real mother to him and he storms off, hugging Norman before he leaves. He tells Norman that he needs to go back to the institution because he's unwell. A confused Norman asks his mother what is going on, but she doesn't tell him.

Rebecca and Alex meet up and she goes about trying to get information out of him about the Bob Paris situation. As Rebecca is asking very obvious questions, Aex figures out what's going on and ruins her whole plan.

Norma and Alex have another conversation about Norman which goes badly. When he brings up the fact that he and Dylan talked about committing Norman, she freaks out and ends their relationship.

Norman finds a suitcase belonging to Audra in the basement, and upon opening it finds the robe he wore as he strangled her, covered in dirt from burying her corpse. Norman buries the belongings in the yard.

Norma is in bed and Norman comes in to comfort her. He stays with her as she falls asleep, and when she does, he goes to the basement and lights the pilot light on the furnace. He goes around the house, closing all of the vents, causing a CO2 buildup in the house. As he gets back in bed with Norma, the house is filling with poisonous gas, as his plan was for the two to die together, as they both believe they are meant to be together forever. Alex arrives at the house and upon entering, smells the gas. He finds the two in bed together, seemingly lifeless. In an attempt to save them, he breaks the window to allow fresh air into the room and begins CPR. A seemingly lifeless Norma is held by a distraught Alex, but Norman awakens to see it all. It's unclear whether Norma is actually dead or not, but by the look of the previews from next week, Alex is none too happy with Norman.

This episode got more intense as it went along. Just when you thought Norma was finally beginning to act like a normal, rational person in her relationship with Alex, she fell right back to her old ways with Norman and his presence at home. I found her highly annoying yet again. I honestly would be happy if she were dead at this point. I have a feeling that Alex is also the next to go, and that by the end of next episode (the series finale), Norman will be in full Psycho mode.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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