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'Wolverine 3' and 'X-Men' News

'Wolverine 3' has begun filming and has officially been touted as having an R-rating. With the success of 'Deadpool' the R-rating seems to be a no-brainer for the final Hugh Jackman-starred film. It is set for a March 3rd, 2017 release.

Staying in the Fox/Marvel realm, the next X-Men franchise film following this month's 'Apocalypse' is set to take place in the 90s, according to Simon Kinberg.

Could this film introduce the 'New Mutants', a film that is reportedly on the table? Could we also see the inception of 'X-Force'? It will be interesting to see how the Fox/Marvel universe moves "forward" with their franchises. The constant time shifting and decades have left some fans displeased with the direction of the X-Men, with rumors abound of an impending deal with Marvel/Disney to have characters crossover into the MCU.

Are you for the idea of a 90s-era X-Men film? Or would you rather see them in present day?

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