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'Legends of Tomorrow' S01E14 Review

Sorry for being so late with this review, but last week was very busy for me. That being said, let's get right into it.

Last week, the team was successful in capturing Vandal Savage, keeping him prisoner aboard the Wave Rider. The plan is to take him to the Vanishing Point, the headquarters of the Time Masters. Though Rip & Co. are wanted, Rip believes bringing in Savage will clear their names as well as undo all of the damage Savage has done, removing him from the timeline and saving Rip's family.

During a conversation between Savage and Rip, it's revealed the Savage learned how to travel time during an encounter with Rip in the past. Because Savage had this knowledge and technology, Rip now has evidence enough for the Time Masters to believe his claims.

The Wave Rider is in bad shape because of Ray's use of energy siphoned from the time drive last week to battle the giant robot and the attack mounted by Savage. Rip, pushing the envelope of getting to the Vanishing Point ASAP, seems not to care too much of the dangers the ship faces.

The time drive needs repairing, and Rip sends Jax to fix it, knowing the dangers he faces. It explodes in Jax's face, causing radiation poisoning that is rapidly aging his internal organs and body. Sara has a conversation with Rip where he reveals he knew what would happen. He sent Jax to do it to save himself from harm in order to save his family and says he would sacrifice the team to do so.

During the episode, Savage manages to get into the heads of Sara and Ray, manipulating them in order to try and divide the team and free himself.

Kendra unsuccessfully tries to reach appeal to Carter, and Ray talks to Savage about freeing Carter. Savage gets in Ray's head, telling him that he once had a relationship with Kendra after she reincarnated and Carter eventually came back and the two got back together, much like Ray's relationship with her. Ray overhears Kendra reciting a poem to Carter and drama ensues.

Stein, trying to save Jax, asks Savage to save him by giving him blood that keeps Savage immortal, but the blood must come from Carter.

Because of Rip's actions, the team starts turning against him. Snart and Mick are prepared to leave via the time ship, but Stein has already tricked Jax into getting in it and sends him back to 2016 to reverse the effects of the radiation poisoning. Being separated from Jax will eventually kill Stein.

As Ray is again talking to Savage, he is taunted and enters the cell to fight him. Savage gains the upper hand and escapes. Savage frees Carter and sabotages the ship.

Snart, MIck and Ray and Kendra stay back to fight Savage, as Sara and Stein are left to pilot the ship. Rip joins in on the fight. Savage tries to kill Kendra but Carter regains his memories and fights back, being stabbed in the process but lives. Savage is subdued as the Wave Rider arrives at the Vanishing Point.

Rip hands over Savage to the council, but in a turn of events, Savage is freed by the council and the team is taken into custody.

This episode was very busy and left me wondering why the time council freed Savage. Could they be on his side, or is there something bigger going on? I'm glad Ray's and Kendra's relationship ended, as it was doomed to fail at the start. The flashbacks that different characters got were cool, Ray had one with Felicity before he left to join the team, Sara had one with Nyssa. With just 2 episodes left, it will be fun to see how/if the team is able to defeat Savage and the time masters, as well as if Stein will indeed die because of his separation with Jax.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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