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'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' S03E19 Review

On last night's episode of 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.', Hive is shown to be the result of testing done on a tribal warrior (Daisy's ancestors) thousands of years ago by Kree genetics. Fitz and Simmons need to test their new anti-toxin on an Inhuman, to which Lincoln agrees.

Daisy is spotted in Wyoming, prompting the team to plan an attack to take out Hive, which Coulson and Mack have some disagreement over.

Dr. Radcliffe is leading the new Inhuman experimentation. The first round of testing goes wrong, killing the test subjects.

After debate between giving Lincoln the anti-toxin, Coulson doesn't allow it, as it is too potentially dangerous for Lincoln. He goes on to inject himself with the serum anyway.

Mack and May lead a S.H.I.E.L.D. team to kill Hive. May encounters James in a bar, and after some bad acting (in my opinion), gets some information out of him regarding Hive's whereabouts.

Hive tries coercing Daisy into killing her S.H.I.E.L.D. teammates, but she wants to put them through the Kree experiment to save them. She also tells Hive she will kill them if they don't follow suit with her plan, reassuring Hive of her allegiance.

During the raid, the Kree orb is activated, signaling Kree reapers to the site. Hive and Radcliffe need blood from a living Kree for their experiment, and Hive sets Daisy to the task of killing the two reapers. She encounters one of them and succeeds in killing it, as Radcliffe now has his genetic material.

Mack finds Daisy and she tells him about her plan to turn them all into Inhumans. After heartfelt dialogue between the two, Mack destroys the Kree that is being experimented on and the two do battle. Hive is also fighting the other Kree at a separate location, where he succeeds in killing him.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team is unable to kill Hive after opening a barrage of fire on him. Daisy nearly kills Mack, as he is rescued by a medical team and taken away. Hive also takes Daisy away.

Simmons tells Lincoln that the anti-toxin was unsuccessful.

Daisy tells Hive that she has Kree blood in her body and offers herself up for the experiment as the episode ends.

At the beginning of the episode, there were a few 'Civil War' references, as 'Captain America: Civil War' is set to premiere this week. Other than that, there weren't any other tie-ins like we've seen in the past. The show & tv universe seem to be separating further and further apart. The proposed 'Inhumans' movie set for 2019 was recently canceled as well.

Seeing the two Kree reapers was pretty cool, but as they didn't get much screen time, they were a bit of a throwaway. Seeds of doubt about Daisy's true allegiance were planted, as she "allowed" herself to be seen on camera by the facial recognition software she created. Ever the spy, is she actually playing a double agent, trying to bring down Hive? She denounces her ties to S.H.I.E.L.D. over and over again, but we are left to wonder just where she stands.

This episode was a bit up and down. The prospect of the Kree experiment was intriguing at first, but got pushed to the back burner with other plot points and dialogue. Mack's destruction of the reaper that was being experimented on halted any chances of seeing the results in this episode, as Daisy is now primed to take that spot. Only 3 episodes remain this season, it will be interesting to see how/if our team is able to stop Hive once and for all and where the show goes next season.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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