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'Fear The Walking Dead' S02E04 Review

Last night's episode of 'Fear The Walking Dead' showed our survivors in their first real conflict with another group. Earlier this season, Alicia had been in contact with someone over the radio that had wanted to meet up for help. We see a small raft board the 'Abigail' with a pregnant women in distress. This is of course a coup and the new group quickly takes hostages and hijack the boat. Travis is trying to start the boat without the keys because Strand abandoned ship with them.

Nick had previously left the ship in order to get to the address Strand had given him, and finds a friend of Strand that will get them to Mexico.

We are shown some of Strand's back story: he befriends a man named Thomas Abigail and after getting him drunk, steals his credit cards and wracks up debt for his scheme. Abigail eventually falls for Strand, as the two are show to be gay.

This episode will be a good learning point for our group, should they all survive. Trusting others, no matter the situation, will always be a very hard thing to do, as we saw from TWD. The back story on Strand gave some great insight into just who he is, as he's been a big mystery up to this point. Not a strong episode in terms of action, but the storytelling was good.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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