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'Banshee' Season 3 Review

Season 3 of 'Banshee' started of with a bang, literally. After Emmitt's murder at the end of season 2, the BFD is out for vengeance, hunting down Hondo (the man responsible for the murder) and brutally executing him. Stepping into Emmit's spot is new deputy Raven, a Kinaho man. Raven is initially not allowed to help the other officers on calls, as he is new and they are hesitant to get him hurt or killed.

We see a quick shot of Procter and Rebecca in bed together, confirming my suspicions that they would eventually sleep together (gross). After the death of Alex Longshadow last season, Chayton and the Kinaho are prepping for an all-out war with the "white men" that have been oppressing them for 500 years. Chayton and his Red Bones murder a marine troop, bringing the BFD into the mix, as they have stolen a shipment of assault weapons.

Upon investigating the incident, Hood discovers a huge stack of money estimated around $10 million that he and his team will look to steal. It's also revealed that Carrie/Ana is sleeping with the Colonel of the base.

Deva, still rebellious, is turning to petty theft and actually gets some pointers from Hood on how to get away with it, with Deva now knowing Hood is her true father. Deva's relationship with her mother and Gordon is very tenuous. Gordon is seeming to come out of his addiction, cleaning up his appearance and focusing more on work.

Hood is taken into custody by an FBI agent that is aware of Hood's true past, but they are kidnapped by the man who had been searching for Jason Hood. Hood eventually kills the man and his goons, creating a truce between he and the agent, but the agent tells hood he dropped off his police file to the BFD, where Deputy Kelly (Hood's love interest) finds it and is furious. Hood now plans on skipping town, and tries to kill Procter before he does but is unsuccessful. Procter is taken into custody right before Chayton and the Red Bones assault the Sheriff's Office, trapping the police and others inside. During the assault, Siobahn is killed by Chayton, as he snaps her neck in front of Hood. With the FBI now involved on the manhunt for Chayton, they track them to a camp in the woods where Chayton eventually escapes custody.

Rebecca tries getting herself set up in the family business, striking a deal with the Salvadorians behind Ky's back, causing conflict between the two buyers of Ky's drugs. The other group buying from Ky gets mad and attempts to kill him, but in typical fashion, Ky kills them all.

Hood and Lotus track Chayton to New Orleans, and after some initial conflicts with him Hood succeeds in killing him. This seemingly has put an end to the Kinaho troubles.

The marine hesit goes into full swing, with our team infiltrating the base and stealing the money. The Colonel and associates put the pieces together on the thieves and kidnap Sugar, Job and Carrie. Desperate to get them back, Hood assaults the base with help from Gordon. They succeed in freeing their friends and killing the Colonel, but Gordon is killed in the process. Job is also kidnapped by the tech guy and flies away in a helicopter.

This season of 'Banshee' was intensely violent and brutal. Fight scenes, gun battles, blood and had it all. The introduction to Bunker, the newest deputy was also cool. Bunker is a former neo-nazi seeking redemption. His brother is the head of the nazi brotherhood. Their story moving forward will be very intriguing.

Sadly, season 4 is the final season of the show and is still airing new episodes. I'll be very sad to finish this series, but am very happy to have found it.

My rating: 10 out of 10

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