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'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' S03E18 Review

This week on 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.', the team is recovering after the near-destruction of their base at the hands of Daisy, now in control of Hive. Coulson is prepping the team to recover Daisy and find a cure for Hive's infection; he sends Fitz and Simmons to find a scientist in Romania that might be able to help. He deals in transhumanism, humans that want to transcend humanity with technological upgrades. The club they go to is full of technologically modified people.

Hive is trying to amass an Inhuman army, or to change all of humanity into Inhumanity in order to be able to control them all. We see Daisy and Hive find James, the man who gave Daisy and Lincoln the Kree artifact. James still has something that Hive wants, and Daisy changes him into an Inhuman to control him.

Lincoln tries to track down Alicia, the Inhuman that can clone herself, but it's revealed that Hive has already infected her.

During the meeting with Dr. Radcliffe, Fitz and Simmons are discovered as cons and the meeting seems to be a bust before Fitz starts to appeal to Radcliffe. But as Fitz is making headway, Daisy and Hive show up. While using Will's (the astronaut from the alien planet Simmons was on) memories, Jemma shoots Hive multiple times, escaping. Daisy also nearly kills Fitz, telling him to leave her alone.

During a quick scene back at the base, General Talbot can be heard saying "the head has been cut" and that HYDRA has been eliminated, as we saw he and Coulson have a quick conversation early in the episode without any context.

Hive, along with Daisy, Jason, Alicia and a kidnapped Dr. Radcliffe, are aiming to re-create the Kree experiment that created Hive in the first place.

The theme of this episode was connection. Fitz and Simmons take the next step in their budding relationship, first talking about relations and then being intimate at the end of the episode. Daisy feels a connection to Hive/Ward because of the infection and the fact that Hive has Ward's memories. Coulson reveals that he thinks of Daisy as the closest thing that he has to a daughter.

This episode was a bit of a step down from the last few weeks. With little action, it got a tad boring. The only real action scenes we got were of Coulson and May almost being blown up in Jason's house (Coulson had an awesome holographic shield though) and Mack fighting Jason with his new found fire powers. The tease of re-creating the Kree experiment is intriguing, hopefully we get to see it next week.

My rating: 7 out of 10

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