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'The Flash' S02E18 Review

After a lengthy 3-week break, 'The Flash' zoomed back in Tuesday night (see what I did there?). Barry, fixated on finding a way to stop Zoom, is now trying out the Tachyon device to try and enhance his speed. The tests prove successful, as Barry is now four times faster than before, making him faster than even Zoom. With her new-found speed, the next task is finding a way to re-open the breaches to return to Earth-2.

When this issue is brought up, Wells is against the idea, wanting the topic left alone since there is now way Zoom could ever come back to Earth-1, keeping his daughter safe. But after a conversation with Joe, Harrison changes his stance and decides to help. Cisco, after initial doubt and unwillingness to use his Vibe powers to open a breach, finally does, bringing Zoom back.

Weaved throughout this episode is the backstory of Jay Garrick, who is actually Hunter Zolomon. As a child, Hunter sees his father kill his mother right in front of him. Hunter had to grow up in the foster care system and would go on to lead a troubled life, eventually being arrested for the murders of 23 people. During an electro shock therapy session, Earth-2's 'meta human incident' occurs, giving Hunter Speed Force powers, thus creating Zoom.

Barry and the Star Labs team devise a way to lure Jay/Hunter/Zoom to Star Labs and distract him with life-sized cutouts of his parents and temporarily remove his speed. After some exposition, Zoom breaks free and kidnaps Wally (who just moved into Joe's house). In order to get Wally back, Barry is forced to relinquish his speed to Zoom. Zoom then kidnaps Caitlin, as a de-powered Barry watched helplessly.

I have to be honest; I am very confused by the Jay Garrick/Hunter Zolomon thing. I don't know who he actually is. The show tried to explain it, saying the "Jay" Zoom killed was a time remnant of himself, but if he killed himself in the past, wouldn't he cease to exist in the future? Time travel is a very tough plot line to use because it can easily confuse the audience. So let me know, are you as confused as I am?

My rating: 7 out of 10

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