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'Legends of Tomorrow' S01E12 Review

Tonight's episode of LoT just ended, and I actually liked this episode a lot more than I've liked the past bunch of episodes. The storyline had a much tighter approach tonight in terms of the overall season arc, though there was no Vandal Savage again.

As we saw last week, the Time Masters have called in "The Pilgrim", their top-level killing machine, ordered to kill past versions of the team. We get to travel to most of the team's past and see them at different stages of their upbringing and The Pilgrim's attempt at killing them, only to be thwarted each time. Each character got heart-warming moments with their past selves or other loved ones that were brought into the fold. I think my favorite interaction was that of Jefferson and his father that died right after he was born. Sara's throughline with her past self and a version of Captain Lance (complete with hair) was also fun.

More romantic drama was present between Ray and Kendra, as Ray proposes and there is some trouble, as Kendra met another version of herself last week and was told again she will ultimately end up with Carter.

Rory had a nice plot as well, meeting younger version of himself right after he burned his own house down, killing his family accidentally. He is hard on young Rory, and is told he is just like his dad. His plot ends nicely with an uncommon heart-to-heart talk.

The money shot of the episode is the end fight with The Pilgrim, using a cool freeze-frame sequence that was visually very cool. They defeat her, but because they have taken past versions of themselves out of their timelines, they now are running out of time to defeat Savage, as they may end up permanently erasing themselves from time altogether.

Like I said, enjoyed this episode a lot more than the last few episodes and this one kind of renewed my faith in the show. Looking forward, I think the season could wind up being pretty cool. The "Arrowverse" is a lot of fun, never taking itself too seriously and makes for good, entertaining tv.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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