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'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' S03E17 Review

With last week's episode teasing us for the introduction of the Secret Warriors, this week's episode finally brought the team to the forefront. Daisy's team of Inhumans (Lincoln, Joey and Yo-Yo) were instrumental in rescuing the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from their capture at the hands of HYDRA. However, we're quickly shown that Ward/Hive has infected one of the team and now has an "inside man" amongst their ranks.

The rest of the episode is a Clue-style "who done it?", as Coulson interrogates a captured Gideon Malick for information on Hive. Malick, after the death of his daughter at the hands of Hive last week, divulges information that one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Inhuman members surely has been compromised. In an effort to contain the infected member, Coulson orders a lockdown of the base as each Secret Warrior is now under suspicion of being infected.

Fitz and Simmons are at work trying to find a test to see who has been infected, but in the meantime, Coulson orders a quarantine. This doesn't fly well with the Inhuman members, as they try to escape the base and begin arguing with each other one who the culprit could be, as we are shown a newly deceased Malick.

Evidence mounts against Lincoln and he is taken into custody. Flash forward to the end, where Daisy visits Lincoln and tells him she will free him and the two can run off together. Lincoln puts the pieces together and it's revealed that Daisy is in fact the tainted member, where she literally brings the house down, causing a giant earthquake that appears to destroy the base and injures Coulson. We get a quick flashback of Ward/Hive infecting Daisy during the rescue scene earlier in the episode. Daisy escapes to end the episode.

I have really enjoyed season 3, as there are only a handful of episodes left. I love how the show is getting more cosmic. I truly hope that the show and the overall MCU can join up to tie everything together more cohesively, but I know that the show will only be affected by the movies and not the other way around. Solid episode and I look forward to the rest of the season.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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