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'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' S03E16 Review

This week's episode, 'Paradise Lost' gave us some backstory into Gideon Malick and his family's HYDRA traditions. We're shown Gideon and his brother, Nate, after the death of their father having an encounter with Daniel Whitehall, where he leads them to a secret kept by their father. The Malick family and HYDRA followers have this ritual of sacrificing one person to their "God" by sending them to that Inhuman planet we've seen.

The elder Malick was outed as cheating his way out of being selected, and we're later shown that Gideon does the same thing, having Nate end up chosen as a sacrifice. Ward/Hive retains the memories of all host bodies that he's inhabited and makes Gideon pay for his family's cowardice by killing his daughter. We're also shown a quick glimpse of Hive's true form from the back & side.

Our S.H.I.E.L.D. team is focused on capturing Giyera, and eventually succeeds only to have him escape and take down the plane, bringing it into HYDRA custody.

Daisy and Lincoln are off on their own mission in Nebraska, in search of a man from Sanctuary that Lincoln used to know because he used to talk of a powerful Inhuman that would take control of them all. They succeed in taking an artifact from him and it bears a striking resemblance to the "orb" from 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and is of Kree origin.

With the bulk of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team taken prisoner, Daisy and Lincoln are now tasked with bringing about the 'Secret Warriors Initiative', as shown in the preview for next week's episode.

The Hive/HYDRA storyline is very interesting. This is a new look at HYDRA from just the Nazi-era world domination weve typically been shown. The Secret Warriors will have a tall task at rescuing our agents and stopping Hive.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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