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Legends of Tomorrow S01E10 "Progeny" Review

Last night's episode of 'Legends of Tomorrow' was, for me, another boring episode. This series started off well but I feel it is regressing. I don't think a show like this should be a 23-episode season, like "The Flash' and 'Arrow'. A 13-episode season may fit better.

The fact that they're after Vandal Savage is often pushed to the back burner, though he was featured tonight. The team is forced into a Terminator-like decision on whether to kill a child now because he eventually will aid Savage.

Knowing that they would never actually do it, the whole story point was a waste. It spent way too much time dealing with something that ultimately would never ever happen.

The only bright spot for me was the re-integration of Mick back into the team (in a sense). His conversation with Sarah and fight with Snart were good.

This episode and series aren't very good right now overall.

My review: 4 out of 10

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