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The Flash S02E17 "Flash Back" Review

Last night’s episode of ‘The Flash’ was a time-traveling adventure that had the potential to really confuse fans. The writers do a pretty good job of making time travel easy enough to understand, but it can be a tricky subject.

My fear for this show is that it will get so enveloped in time travel that logic and continuity get convoluted. So far, this aspect is fine, though it is still unclear how ‘Zoom’ is Jay Garrick. Is he a future version of himself? Or is he another dimension version? Or is he another dimension AND future version of himself?

The episode was fun, and the characters were great as always. Seeing Eddie Thawne and the Eobard Thawne/Harrison Wells brought back a nice sense of nostalgia.

Personally, I don’t care much for Iris and her storylines. I feel like she is just kind of “there”. Wally West is continuing to be involved in “speedy” conversation, I’m sure he’ll turn into his version of The Flash by season’s end.

Overall good episode. Seeing 2 Barr’s again was fun, and seeing “our” Barry play almost a dickish version of himself compared to the “past Barry”.

Note: The preview for the next episode stated it wouldn’t air until April 19th. If so, this is annoying. We had a 3 week break, then got 2 new eipsodes, and now will have another 3 week break. What gives?

My rating: 7 out of 10

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