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Supergirl S01E18 "World's Finest" Review

Tonight’s episode of CBS’s ‘Supergirl’ featured a crossover of the CW’s ‘The Flash’, played by Grant Gustin. ‘The Flash’ is a big hit with fans now in it’s second season. ‘Supergirl’, in it’s first season, hasn’t quite made the splash that CBS had hoped it would.

This was the first episode that I have checked out, and the only reason I did was because The Flash was on. I thought it would be cool to see the DC TV universe expand, but this was a major miss. ‘Supergirl’ is a poor show. The acting is not very good, the special effects are very cheap-looking, and the visual style looks cheesy. Some of the dialogue and banter between characters was painful to listen to. I don’t believe I’ll be giving ‘Supergirl’ another shot.

My rating: 2 out of 10

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