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Marvel's Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. S04E14 Review

The newest episode of AoS aired last night, and was it ever littered with MCU references. The Avengers were name-dropped and there were numerous references to events in the MCU, such as the Chitauri and Sokovia. Howard Stark’s technology also makes an appearance in Nitramine, a substance used to implode matter.

There were also plenty of allusions to the upcoming “Civil War”. The dialogue between the characters seemed divisive at times. The debate on powered people identities is touched upon. Daisy seems more eager to do what she thinks needs to be done. The fear of Inhumans and distrust of the government by the general public is increasingly, now being spearheaded by a terrorist group called “The Watchdogs”. Former Shield Agent Blake makes a return as the leader of this group and serves as Coulson’s new foil while they take a break from Gideon Malick.

We also got to see more of Mack. “Alfie”, as his brother calls him, is a big part of Mack’s plot in this episode. It was nice to see Mack get more to do.

Simmons is dealing with her guilt from events of the season. She is working closely with Agent May to find Andrew/Lash.

I really liked this episode, even though the action was short-lived. I love how Marvel grows their universe and how they build their characters.

My rating: 8 out of 10

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